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TreeBox - the whole forest in your pocket

TreeBox - the whole forest in your pocket

Regular price €15.50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €15.50 EUR
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A small box with six types of tree seeds.

Each box has seeds for about 250 trees. 

About: 100 - birches, 50 - black alders, 40 - spruces, 30 - larchs, 25 - pines, 4 - linden trees.

The number of seeds may vary due to the size of the seeds. More about tree sowing and planting here. Or simply sow the seeds in the soil a few mm deep, and sooner or later the trees will sprout.

When ordering 30+ treebox kits you can personalize them in your business style and color. Let's create your design card and a tuned box. Ask us:

This box can be sent as a letter.

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